Image courtesy of John Powers | This is a Level 1 event
Travel Photography
Travel Photography can be intimidating: while navigating through unfamiliar countries abroad with peculiar customs and foreign languages, you hope to keep you and your expensive gear safe and also capture incredible images without insulting anyone unintentionally. With a moderate-to-hefty investment of time and money, you certainly don’t want to end up with cellphone snapshots like those your Uncle Miltie took on his last cruise to Catalina Island.
In this class, you will explore the ins and outs of Travel Photography, with a particular focus on overseas travel tips and insights rarely talked about in this field. John Powers will begin with what exactly is Travel Photography and how it embodies other disciplines of photography, making the experience diverse and unique.
Open discussions will include the pros and cons of traveling alone or in tour groups, US State Department guidelines, to include the CDC, Travel Advisory Updates, and S.T.E.P program, all crucial for real-world crisis and preparation. This will also include guidelines involving travel in light of terrorism and natural disasters. Understanding cultures and customs in light of Travel Photography and practical photographic techniques and tips especially for traveling abroad will certainly be covered. And while the tips and insights are applicable to Travel Photography as a whole, special emphasis will be placed on travels through Asia.
What to Bring
- Your questions, no matter how big or how small
- 5-10 pictures for “Show & Tell” from your travel adventure(s)
Sample of John’s Work
What does a Level 1 event mean?
Each of our events lists a recommended level of experience (1-3). By categorizing our events using this method, we hope to better inform you of what you need to know and how to best prepare so that you can get the most out of your attendance.
A level 1 event means that the instruction provided will be focused on beginners and intermediates, so no previous knowledge or experience of the topic is expected.
Please Note: Anyone is welcome to attend any class level, however, the pace and content may not be at your current skill level. If this is the case, please expect to attend with the expectation to observe rather than engage. As with all of our educational events, we will always make every effort to accommodate all attendees regardless of their experience level.