Portrait Perfecting

An IEPPV membership is not required to register. All are welcome!

Our host, Troy Miller of f64 Live, will be joined by Neale Adair—PPA Master Photographer, painter, and visual artist—as he shares his process and techniques to perfect his portraits.

Topics we’ll cover
  • Stray hairs
  • Blemishes
  • Perfecting the eyes
  • Teeth
  • Skin tone


Meet our guest

Neale Adair was born and raised in Southern California but traveled the world seeking his education. Still a teenager, he was accepted into art school in San Miguel Allende, Mexico, where he focused on painting and ballet.

Prior to inheriting Adair Photography, Neale painted costumes and sets in Las Vegas. He has learned from many talented artists, including his parents to whom taught him that the importance of establishing a relationship with your client will turn your images into art.


How to participate

This live webinar will be hosted via Zoom. To participate, click the button below to register for the event.



Watch our previous webinars

Missed the last webinar? Watch all of the playbacks on the f64 Live YouTube channel and subscribe so you’re always up-to-date.


Join us on Wednesdays

In light of the postponement of in-person events due to COVID-19, we’re bringing the IEPPV education experience straight to you via our live stream with our host, Troy Miller of f64 Live. Join us Wednesday nights for image critiques, interviews with instructors, and more!

Have a topic you want us to cover? Let us know at troy@ieppv.com

Our Next Event