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One-On-One Mentorship

The Old Spaghetti Factory 3191 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA, United States

Interested in getting one-on-one feedback on your work? Sign up for a 30-minute one-on-one session with a mentor before our General Meeting! You may use the time to address any concerns, including but not limited to, image/portfolio review, business/marketing advice, "how do I get my image ready for image competition," or simply a Q&A.

Lighting, Models, & Practice

The Old Spaghetti Factory 3191 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA, United States

Bring your camera and speed lights for an evening of shooting and experimenting with light, models, and video. Our featured instructors will show you hands-on techniques for getting the most out of a challenging posing and lighting situation.

The Elusive Landscape

La Sierra Library 4600 La Sierra Ave, Riverside, CA, United States

Known for his emotional and evocative imagery, our guest instructor and award-winning photographer, Dan Holmes, will share with the class his secret recipe—i.e. the Why, What, Where, and How in using compositional elements to create powerful landscape and nature photographs.

Image Review

Live Webinar

Previously known as our Image Critique class, Image Review is a great opportunity to receive fair and honest feedback on your images to prepare for Image Competition or to simply learn more about improving your photographic skills.

Wedding Workshop + BBQ Social

Location to be given upon registration Corona, CA, United States

Join Troy Miller of Imagery Concepts Photography for a fun afternoon of wedding discussion, photographing, and of course FOOD!

IEPPV Live: Architectural Photography

Live Webinar

Join Troy Miller and his guest, Stephen Scharf, as they discuss architectural photography and Stephen's workflow from getting clients to the delivery of final images.

Journey to Arches & Canyonlands

Arches and Canyonlands National Park Moab, UT, United States

Join us for a multi-day excursion to Arches & Canyonlands—Two of the most surreal national parks you will ever visit. The photo opportunities are unrivaled, including the most well-known arches on the planet such as Mesa Arch, Landscape Arch, Delicate Arch, etc.

Image Competition

Live Webinar

Join us for our first Image Competition of the year for an amazing opportunity to hone and share the photographic skills that make up your art.

One-On-One Mentorship

The Old Spaghetti Factory 3191 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA, United States

Interested in getting one-on-one feedback on your work? Sign up for a 30-minute one-on-one session with a mentor before our General Meeting! You may use the time to address any concerns, including but not limited to, image/portfolio review, business/marketing advice, "how do I get my image ready for image competition," or simply a Q&A.

The Joy of Raw Editors

The Old Spaghetti Factory 3191 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA, United States

Lightroom, Capture One and Luminar are the core RAW editors many professionals are using today. Join us as Troy Miller of Spicyjello demonstrates the basic operations of these 3 programs and more.