Image Competition

 Submissions: OPENS March 5 @ 6am / CLOSES *EXTENDED* March 16 @ 6am

Don’t miss our first Image Competition of 2020! This event provides an amazing opportunity to hone and share the photographic skills that make up your art. Competition is not always about winning—The very nature of competing will drive you to improve all the skills needed to create superior work. Winning is just another perk of competition as the real reward comes from growing your skills.


*Important Format Update*

Due to COVID-19, the March Image Competition will be held fully online as we did in 2019. You can watch the competition via the IEPPV YouTube channel on March 18 at 6:30pm.


Image Competition rules

Click here to view our newly updated Image Competition rules.


New Awards

In partnership with f64 Live, Miller’s Professional Imaging will provide the following new awards for our 2020 Image Competitions:

  • A “Miller’s Choice Award” (this award is separate from Best of Category and Best of Show winners)
  • An 8″x10″ Vivid Metal print to the Best of Show winners
  • Prize cards awarded to all Best of Category winners (Workshop category is included)


The format

Starting May of 2020, we’re excited to announce a hybrid format for our Image Competitions. We’re bringing back the in-person experience as well utilizing our webinar tools to welcome top-quality judges from far and wide. To watch the Image Competitions, join us at our May, July, September, and November general meetings.

Our Next Event