General Meeting

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October General Meeting

Live Webinar

The IEPPV Board of Directors cordially invites all members to join us for an online, interactive evening of “all things IEPPV.” Register for this online webinar to meet our Board candidates and share your thoughts on IEPPV’s future!

Holiday Celebration and Awards Ceremony

Live Webinar

With the holidays looking a bit different this year, we've decided to bring our annual Holiday Celebration and Awards Ceremony directly TO YOU online! More details will be available soon.

Macro Magic

Live Webinar

The world of macro is small, elusive, and mysterious. Our guest, Joshua Sommerfeldt, will share how to find and photograph that hidden and rarely seen world.

Motion Portraiture

Live Webinar

In this session, our guest Frederick Van Johnson will take you step-by-step through his philosophy of "photographic time travel."

The Business of Networking as a Photographer

Live Webinar

What does it take to create personal brand recognition as a photographer and content creator? Learn some of the strategies used by our guest, commercial photographer Marc Charette, to build his brand within his local market so that you can do the same in your community.

Serenity in Landscape Photography

Live Webinar

In a world where instant gratification is all around us, we have to take a step back to appreciate the journey. Join us for this discussion with our guest, international still and timelapse photographer Kai Gradert, as he shares his journey of picking up the camera, learning the craft of photography, and building a portfolio while working a full-time job and raising two kids.

2021 Holiday Celebration and Awards Ceremony

Residence of IEPPV Board Member, John-Paul Wolf Address will be provided upon registration, Riverside, California

IEPPV'S 2021 Holiday Banquet and Awards Ceremony is here, so let's celebrate the season with our friends and good cheer! Be our guest as we bring in the holidays with tacos, cupcakes, awards, raffles, gifts, prizes, giveaways and fun.

Let’s Talk Image Competition

Live Webinar

Image competition can either be fun and exhilarating or confusing and terrifying — It’s all about how you approach it. This program is all about helping you find your approach and purpose when competing in image competitions.

2022 Open House

Circle City Center 4250 Riverwalk Pkwy, Riverside, CA, United States

All are invited to the Inland Empire Professional Photographers and Videographers annual Open House event extravaganza!