Image Competition

 Submission Deadline: Monday, March 14 at 6am (PST)

Don’t miss our first Image Competition of 2022! This event provides an amazing opportunity to hone and share the photographic skills that make up your art. Competition is not always about winning—The very nature of competing will drive you to improve all the skills needed to create superior work. Winning is just another perk of competition as the real reward comes from growing your skills.



Image Competition Divisions

Regular Division

The Regular Division is designed for those who do not hold a Master level degree, Photographic Craftsman, or an equivalent award in PPA, PPC, or other photographic organization.

Images submitted in this division will be will be judged to encourage education growth of the maker.

If you do not hold Master level degree but still wish to enter the Master division for your first Image Competition entry of the year, you may do so, but note that you cannot switch to Regular division during that year.

Master Division

The Master Division is designed for those who hold a Master level degree, Photographic Craftsman, or an equivalent award in PPA, PPC, or other photographic organization. If you hold one of these awards, you must enter the Master division.

Images submitted in this division will be judged in accordance with state level competition with the intent that the maker will advance their images to state or international competitions.

*Important Note*

Once a member enters their first Image Competition entry of the year, they cannot change divisions during that year.

Image Competition rules

Click here to view our Image Competition rules.


New Format Changes

Image Competitions will now be held online through Here are detailed instructions on how to submit your images and watch the competitions:

How to Submit Images
You will need to be a paying member of ($12 annual fee to use to submit images for competition.
For current PrintCompetition account holders:
  1. Go to and click “Log On” at the top
  2. Follow the website’s prompts to submit your image entries
To create a new PrintCompetition account:
  1. Go to and click “Register” at the top to create a new account
  2. Select “IEPPV” under “Organization”
  3. Fill out your details under “New Artist Registration”
  4. Follow the prompts to continue your PrintCompetition account registration payment
  5. Upon payment, follow the website’s prompts to submit your images
*Important Notes*
  • The submission deadline has been extended to Monday, March 14 at 6am (PST).
  • All local PPA affiliate members are welcome to compete.
  • You no longer need to include your membership number or category in the image file name.
  • If you have an Image Competition Add-On, enter your images but do not pay and disregard the automatic warning. We have a list of those who have IC Add-Ons and will allow those entries in manually.
  • If you do not have an IC Add-On, you will need to pay for each image submission through
How to Watch the Image Competition
  1. For audio of the competition, access Zoom using this link.
  2. To see the images during the competition, log on to your account and click on “Game Day Apps” at the top.

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