On December 9th IEPPV held it’s annual awards dinner at the Eagle Glen Golf Club in Corona, CA. This allows IEPPV to honor it’s members, board and key contributors to IEPPV over the past year. It also allows IEPPV to introduce the 2016 board and recognize life long achievements and contributions to IEPPV over it’s long and storied history. It is also a time for fun, friendship, good food, drink and you the member to pick your Peoples Choice Award image from the past years Image Comp merited images from members who decided to enter the Peoples Choice Competition at the dinner.
Also during the awards dinner Raphael Munoz received his Hall of Fame Award from two IEPPV Hall of Famers Bob Fletcher and Bruce Bonnett along with Hall of Famer Frank Peele. That is the featured image for this article. Pictures of this event were contributed by Amelia Durham.
Digital Artist of the Year
- Kat Meezan
- Bruce presents the Digital Artist award to Kat Meezan
Illustrative Photographer of the Year
- David Swanson

Dave Swanson receives his Illustrative Photographer of the Year from Bruce Bonnett
Landscape Photographer of the Year
- Jeremy Long

Jeremy Long receives his Landscape Photographer of the year award
Nature Photographer of the Year
- Bruce Bonnett

Nature Photographer of the Year – Bruce Bonnett receives his award from Steve Burgraff
Photojournalist of the Year
- Steve Brazill

Steve Brazill receives his award for Photojournalist of the Year
Portrait Photographer of the Year
- Jerry Stevenson

Jerry Stevenson receives his Portrait Photographer of the Year Award
Wedding Photographer of the Year
- Troy Miller
Troy Miller receives his Wedding Photographer of the Year Award.
Commercial Photographer of the Year
- Troy Miller

Commercial Photographer of the year – Troy Miller
New Photographer of the Year
- David Swanson
New Photographer of the Year – David Swanson
Professional Photographer of the Year
- Bruce Bonnett

Professional Photographer of the year – Bruce Bonnett
The Peoples’ Choice Award

2015 Peoples’ Choice award goes to Troy Mille
The President’s Award for Exceptional Service
- 2015 President’s Award for Exceptional Service is presented to Troy Miller
Exceptional Service Award – Troy Miller
The Elmer and Vera Kingham Service Award
The award goes to the member with the highest number of Service Merits for the entire year, and it includes a full-tuition scholarship to West Coast School.
- 2015 Elmer and Vera Kingham Service Award is presented to Kim Shapiro
The Elmer and Vera Kingham Service Award
The award goes to the member with the highest number of Service Merits for the entire year, and it includes a full-tuition scholarship to West Coast School.
The IEPPV Service Award Medallion
- Greg Stack
No present for the evening
- Kim Shapiro

Kim Shapiro receives her service medallion
IEPPV Service Award Bar and Certificate
- Steve Burgraff 1st Bar
Steve Burgraff receives his 1st Bar for IEPPV Service
- Cayce Newman 2nd Bar

Cayce Neman receives his 2nd Bar for IEPPV Service
The Hall of Fame Award
- IEPPV Hall of Fame – Rafael Munoz
Rafael Munoz accepts his Hall of Fame Award from Frank Peele and Bob Fletcher
2016 President of IEPPV
- Bruce Bonnett
Bruce Bonnett – Our IEPPV President 2015/16

IEPPV Members mingling at the party

A friendly discussion between Bob and Kat

The awards and gifts await those who will be the big winners or key contributors.

Trying to choose the Best photograph was a hard choice to make because so many of them were great

Our wonderful MC and Master of many photography talents for the night.

The current 2015 President and 2016 continuing President Bruce Bonnett

Franks starts the show

Troy Millers wonderful wife Margie and event coordinator and master of all trades!

Who’s next?

Troy Miller wonders if he’s next.

Troy Miller enjoying the festivities

Bob and Frank introduce this years The Hall of Fame Award winner

Cayce Newman receiving a gift of appreciation for being a board member over the past 2015 year

Bob Fletcher receiving a gift of appreciation for being a board member over the past 2015 year

Talking to the members about the importance IEPPV provides to it’s members and community

Peoples Choice entrants

Paula chats with Cayce Newman and his wife

Raffle Prizes

Cayce’s Comic!!! You had to be there!

Caught you Steve

Marvels New Team

That soda has a head on it?

Party On!

Nice Digs

Important discussions about anything and everything IEPPV

The simple touches at the event

Paula and Kat enjoying the evening!

So hard to pick

Enjoying the Night

Frank always tells how it is!

Where do i sit?

Speaker of the house for the night

Hall of Famers (From L – R) Bruce Bonnett, Raphael Munoz, Bob Fletcher, Frank Peele

Steve gets ready to High Five Troy Miller

Kim Shapiro receives her first award of the night

Bob Fletcher and Frank Peele away Raphael Munoz to make his way to accept his Hall of Fame induction

Steve Bergraff receiving a gift of appreciation for being a board member over the past 2015 year

Chris Ramirez receiving his gift of appreciation for serving on the board

Dave receiving a gift of appreciation for being a board member over the past 2015 year

Raphael Munoz receiving a gift of appreciation for being a board member over the past 2015 year

Troy Miller receiving a gift of appreciation for being a board member over the past 2015 year

Steve Brazill receiving a gift of appreciation for being a board member over the past 2015 year

Cayce revs up the crowd

All of the Comic nights winners

One proud Kat!!!!!!

An interested party for sure!

The Center Piece

A big hug for an old friend

One of the many merited images from Image Comp being displayed on the screen from 2015

Cayce is ready for the nights festivities

Great Conversations

What, I won?

Kat accepts her award for Digital Artist of the Year

Take a bow Cayce

Bruce Bonnett heads up to receive one of his awards

Troy’s Award (One of many!)
Cayce get his 2nd pin

a Hall of Fame group shot (l – r) with Bruce Bonnett, Raphael Munoz, Bob Fletcher and Frank Peele

Bruce Bonnett getting his first edition? I wonder……..

All the Casey’s Comic winners (just so happens to be the IEPPV 2015 board)